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Equestrian Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the practice of poses or asanas in a Vinyasa flow. Vinyasa means breath-synchronized movement. To move from one pose directly into the next, while following the inhalation and exhalation. Physically yoga helps improve the way we feel, flexibility and circulation are improved each time we practice. Yoga also helps to create and emanate positive energy. This affects everyone around us, human and animals alike.

By being aware of your breath, you can create a rhythm with your horse’s breathing. This in turn opens up a new connection of horse and rider through movement and through stillness. Yoga helps achieve deep relaxation of mind, body and spirit which enables you to feel more connected to your you a sense of oneness. This form of exercise is good for the heart, the mind, the body and soul…for you and for your horse.


8 Limbs of Yoga

Yama-Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows

Niyama-Positive duties or observances


Pranayama-Breathing techniques

Pratyahara-Sense withdrawal

Dharana-Focused concentration

Dhyana-Meditative absorption

Samadhi-Bliss or enlightenment

Print the Sun Salutations here. A complete, full body, 12 pose yoga workout.

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